Online Tutoring System

This application, and the use and results thereof, concluded with a publication Helping Students Build a Mental Model of Computation, 15th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), 2010.

This application is no longer in active use. Tutorials have been retained for broswing/general enrichment. Originally, these exercises had due dates and coordinated with the GROVER grade system (now decomissioned).

Description Attempt
Tutor 1: Simple Assignments
Tutor 2: More Assignments
Tutor 3: Variables
Tutor 4: Type Conversions
Tutor 5: Operator Precedence
Tutor 6: If Conditionals
Tutor 7: If-Else and Nested Ifs
Tutor 8: Functions
Tutor 9: More Functions
Tutor 10: Simple For Loop
Tutor 11: I Ain't Never Seen Stepping Like This Before
Tutor 12: While Loop