In some cases, we may wish to prevent the user from starting multiple instances of applications. Instead, the existing (single) instance should be focused. The “single instance” part is pretty easy, but notifying the first instance to come to the front is more tricky. There are many attempts to demonstrate techniques for this around the net, but I found them difficult and unreliable in WPF. In particular, they mostly all depend on using WndProc broadcast messages which are only received when the target window is not minimized, and even then not reliably. Further, there would be no way to actually send any data (like a command line) from the new instance to the original instance.
Rather than continue to struggle with this unproductive path, I took a step back and thought about what I wanted to do: I want to send a message from one instance of an application to another. Isn’t that what named pipes are for?
I created an abstraction based on mutexs (to enforce single instancing) and named pipes (to communicate between instances) that easily allows an application to ensure only a single instance is used. The abstraction could easily be expanded to allow for passing data to the single instance.
To use this abstraction, omit a StartupUri from App.xaml and override OnStartip in the App.xaml.cs:
public partial class App : Application { protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) { // Set a unique application ID Guid id = Guid.Parse("DC2A927C-AC89-4512-BB29-7AB0A18DE105"); // Instantiate an SIA SingleInstanceApplication sia = new SingleInstanceApplication(id); // Handle the ApplicationStarts event // When this event fires, initialize the application sia.ApplicationStarts += (sender, earg) => { var mw = new MainWindow(); mw.Show(); // If another instance attempts to start, // bring our window to the front sia.AnotherInstanceAttemptsToStart += SingleInstanceApplication.BringToFrontWhenCalled(mw); }; // Optionally handle AnotherInstanceAttemptsToStart, for example, // to log other attempts sia.AnotherInstanceAttemptsToStart += (sender, earg) => { Logger.LogInfo("### Captured another instance trying to start"); }; // Run the application and single instance protection sia.RunSingleInstance(); }